
weekend highlights?

the building.

the elevator to the top.

the ladder to the tippy-top.

cafe rio and other necessities going up.

seriously so happy with the view.

which looked like this + sunset & lightning.

the fireworks.
(i love how it's just one sad looking firework.
i took over a dozen of these shots, most of them show nothing but black.
fireworks, i have discovered, are camera shy.)

the sparklers.

and a little red, white & blue.


  1. Wow, what a great view! Being a maintenance man has some serious perks.

  2. i know, i think we got the best seats! it was windy but totally worth the trek up there:)

  3. what a great idea! and darling little red white & blue treats. you are seriously the QUEEN of desserts leah! teach me, please!


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