but one i could definitely get used to.
{besides the 4 hours in the air and 5 hours at the airport}

some of the lovely spring blooms found in san fran that we're currently missing.
this years easter involved being greeted by a spring bouquet of blossoms
at a long-awaited airport reunion with hubby.
it also included a romantic picnic for two at liberty park.
{comprised of crackers, fruits, various cheeses & martinellis. yum!}
and then together we happily opened the best easter package,
courtesy of ryans parents.
it was like somehow they knew that ryan & i would be too busy to put anything
easter-y together for each other.
like they knew that those little holiday traditions are important to us.
and that we hadn't had time to create them this year.
so opening that bag of easter on our sunday afternoon at the park was so nice.
it was jam-packed full of goodies.
paper grass, chocolates galore, jellybeans {my fav} and the movie the blind side.
and it made our easter.
on that easter package high we drove the 2 hours home to logan.
and {since we had no groceries} dined that evening out at the olive garden.
nothing about our easter sunday was typical.
or expected.
and i loved every minute of it.
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