
Our weekend

sadly, our favorite succulent did not survive the excitement of this weekend.

Friday - took our 5-year-old neighbor friend out on a birthday date that included dinner (chick-fil-a), a movie (the lorax), and a trip to the dollar store to pick out a toy (stuffed chick).

Saturday - slept in, looked at houses, ate breakfast at einstein bagels, and cleaned.

Sunday - had out of town guests including this cutie, cooked indian cuisine for our visiting out-of-town friends and backyard neighbor friends, ate and talked until the wee hours of the morning.

Monday - ran errands, lunched on bruschetta and orange julius with some lady friends, and basked in the sunny weather that has us feeling like spring is here.


  1. I can STILL taste the bruschetta.... and it's divine even 15 hours later, hahaha. All I have to say is that Leah, hands down, you make the best bruschetta I have ever tasted.

    What a wonderful weekend it was. I loved every minute. Thanks for sharing your home and your food and sacrificing your plants.

  2. well worth the sacrifice! and I think I still have garlic breath from the bruschetta 24 hours later. :)


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