
Random Update

Every time I sit down to write something it always ends up revolving around adoption, our potential new parenthood, babies, and the happy changes that means for our little growing family.
It makes sense I guess, since that's our current stage in life - lucky us. 
And I'm loving this part of things! 
But I'm still wracking my brain to come up with some part of our lives that isn't completely adoption related in the attempts to be a little more diverse and interesting. 
So far I have been unsuccessful.

Except that we are so excited for Christmas and our Christmas cards are almost all written and addressed and the shopping nearly done.
Also, Ryan shaved his beard. I sort of miss that look of rugged manliness. What I don't miss? The mustache up my nose when we kiss.
 I'm undertaking some serious spring cleaning without any regard for the current season. 
 I'm also loading up our freezers with all sorts of quick go-to meals (and treats) should the adoption thing happen quite suddenly so we will feel completely armed and ready.
And right now I am feeling this desperate and urgent need to baby-proof and get in perfect working order every single room in our house, I think they call this thing nesting and it is a beast! 
Any volunteers to upholster our coffee table?

You see what I mean? 
Pretty nearly every single aspect of our lives is already baby-centric.
It may all be a bit premature but at this point I just don't know how to turn it off.
Sorry we are a broken record these days. 

It's sort of crazy and incredible to think that we really will be parents someday. 


  1. i'm so excited that you are in this stage. I did the same thing and worried that I would be seen as foolish because there was no set time for a baby. But, we feel the same things as an physically expectant mom. I know that because I've done it both ways. It is clearly what you should be doing. Your instincts are tuned in and you are ready for the next stage of your life. I can feel you glowing from here. I'm so proud of you and the wonderful woman you have grown to be. I"m so glad to be a small part of your life even after all these years. (Adding you to my prayers just like I did when you were 12 but for new reasons) Love SHEILA

  2. Thank you so much you darling woman! Im so excited we are at this stage too. And it really is so wonderful to hear from someone with experience with adoption and conception that the feelings really are the same, because I honestly feel so nest-y right now, and I just know I couldn't feel it anymore if I was pregnant myself. Glad to know I'm not the only one. :) And thank you for the thoughts and prayers, that means so much to me. xo


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