Because neither of us are from Utah we didn't have our families close by to help with the wedding plans, and it was definitely the three busiest months ever! Ryan was, as always, sweet, patient and eager to help, even though he was busy with full-time work and full-time school. I couldn’t have survived without him as I was juggling work, school, student government & a new calling as Relief Society President.

of my life! It was so
much fun and so memorable. The
entire day went by so fast and neither of us could stop smiling!Definitely the one day I would live over if I had the chance. We were sealed together - by Ryan's Grandpa who had been called as a temple sealer just a couple weeks prior to our wedding - at 3:00 pm in the Salt Lake Temple, and shared the special day with our closest friends and family with a reception dinner at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.
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