
Our Last Five Days...

...have been spent soaking up as much of Ryan's parents as possible.
The last time they were in Utah was four years ago. 
So we have a strong appreciation for every second we get to have them out here. 
We filled each day to the brim. 
Shopping, Hiking, eating, baseball games, movies, long walks, great talks, Rook tournaments, graduation ceremonies, temple visits, ferris wheels, baking, more shopping, more eating, more games.
It was a lovely visit! 
We are so glad they came.
And our fingers are crossed that the next visit comes a lot sooner. 


  1. So glad they came to visit!! Love it! Looks like lots of fun! Missing you guys, as always!

  2. Me too. And we are missing you guys too. Dagnabit, why is South Carolina so very far away???


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